Socially Responsible Investing

Make An Impact With Your Investments

Socially Responsible Investing

Sustainable investing has been around for decades - and it's popularity has grown dramatically in recent years. 

As the world continues to evolve in terms of technology, attitudes, and opportunities, popular investment options do too. 

Institutional investors have already embraced sustainable investing, and in recent years sustainable strategies have matched or outperformed conventional investment strategies.

The new generation of investors take environmental, social, and governance issues (ESG) into consideration before choosing where to invest their money. 

ESG criteria can also help investors avoid companies that might pose a greater financial risk due to their environmental or other practices.

Today, it's possible to align your investments to benefit wider society, and still make a healthy profit. 

You can not only invest ethically, but you can start to help others through your investments. 

With socially responsible investing, you can:

  • Screen out companies involved in controversial businesses
  • Invest in companies with high environmental, social, and governance standards  
  • Advocate for issues that matter to you
  • Make a contribution to improving the world we live in, without compromising on financial returns

Sustainability and social responsibility is shaping how people think and invest - which is where our team comes in. 

We've got the industry know-how and insider expertise to guide you through the many sustainable investment options out there. 

Socially Responsible Investing
  • Socially Responsible Investing

    Sustainability and social responsibility is shaping how people think and invest - which is where our team comes in.

  • Property Investment

    From residential property to commercial property investment ideas, we’re here to help you get the best return on your investment.

  • Swiss Mortgages

    From deposits to repayment terms, you’ll need an insider’s take on the Swiss property market to get the best return on your investment.

  • US Compliant Investments

    The team here at IWP are well-versed in suitable investment options for American investors.

  • Insurance

    Make sure you're covered for the worst case scenario with the right level of insurance for your lifestyle.

How much do you need to retire?

Using the retirement calculator below, you can find out whether you’re on track, over, or under for the retirement you want. 

Your current situation
Your targets
  • Estimated tax rate15%
  • Average Inflation Rate1.5%
  • Rate of Return at Retirement5%
  • Max. First Pillar Income (2023 based on 44 years)CHF: 29,400
  • Max. Years44
You will have
You will need

How we calculated your results

This projection uses fixed assumptions for tax, inflation and investment returns at retirement to calculate how much you will need to retire/become financially independent.

Next Steps

Shortfall? Not ideal, but at least now you know, and it's time to start doing something about it.

Over what you need for retirement? Great, but you're not there yet!

In either case, if you can optimise and either retire sooner (or with more money), there's no reason not to.

We can help you model different scenarios, tailored to your unique situation. Different countries, different income levels, and early retirement all mean different currencies, inflation, and tax considerations.

Every day you wait is one less day to save for retirement. Take action now - get in touch with us here or call us on +41 (0) 44 552 12 12 to take ownership and secure your future.

How to use this retirement calculator

  1. Enter your current age, income after taxes, current savings, and how much you save each month (after bills and expenses).
  2. Average return on savings = For example, assume 1% for cash, 5% for investments, or 3% if you have a mixture of both.
  3. Next, enter the amount of your current income you would like at retirement. For example, someone receiving CHF 10,000/month may want CHF 6,500 - or 65% - of their current income at retirement.
  4. Lastly, enter the number of 1st pillar contributions you will have made by retirement. For example, if you've paid 5 years' 1st pillar contributions until today, and expect to pay in for a further 20 years, enter 25 years. Based on the Swiss state pension.

Your targets

  1. Enter the age you would like to retire.
  2. Use the Age slider above to increase and decrease the age; when the bar chart showing 'You will have' and 'You will need' are the same, that is your expected age of retirement.

Download your retirement calculation

Enter your details into the form below and we'll send you your free retirement calculation.

Thank you

Congratulations! Your personal retirement calculation is on its way to your email inbox.

Take time to digest the information, then take action - get in touch with us or call us today at +41 (0) 44 552 12 12.


How much do you need to retire?

Achieve financial freedom - and retire when you want to. 

We help investors in Switzerland build assets and create passive income to replace formal employment. 

By listening carefully, giving honest advice, and creating tailored investment plans, we help you achieve your long-term financial goals.

How much do you need to retire? Request your free guide now and find out with our simple 2-step process. 

How much do you need to retire?

How much do you need to retire?